
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Starting off with a BANG! (sort of)

At my house the 4th of July is a BIG deal. A BIG, BIG deal. This year will be our 10th year of hostessing a 4th of July BBQ and celebration for my friends and family. Each year the guest list and menu change, and as the children get older or we add different ones to the mix I come up with different activities. Everyone seems to have a good time and relaxes. Everyone except me. I truely love holding this BBQ but being the Queen of procrastination and all I usually am stressed doing last minute things. And EVERY year I think to myself, WHY didn't I start all this a month ago!

Well guess what? Yesterday was a month from the 4th of July! And I started my preparations. Well..........sort of......but I did get a few important details taken care of. For starters as I was thinking/daydreaming about the 4th I realized that it is on a Sunday this year. No biggie right, except I WORK on Sundays. oY! not good! So I thought I would see if I could switch shifts this year and work the morning shift. It took a lot of nerve to ask, but I did, and yes! I can so.... yeah! I also made my guest list and menu and starting jotting my to-do list, to - buy list, and great ideas list down. Whew! That took a lot of ink!

Today I am going to take some more action and hopefully make some napkin rings for banding the silverware and napkins together with. I think I am going with denim this year. I thought about adding red star buttons but on second thought I don't think I will. I will leave them pretty generic and that way I can reuse them for different events, and not just the 4th of July!

I will be posting pictures and blogging about my progress, if for no other reason than to hold me accountable. I am hoping for a relaxing stress free day! Even if I do have to work the morning of!

Have you started thinking about the 4th yet? It tends to sneak up on us!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, your 4th of July party always rocks and is always so beautifully decorated!
