
Monday, February 15, 2010

Cordless Heating Pad

I knew when I seen these all around blogland a few months back that it was definitily a project that I was going to have to try. I have some serious neck and headache problems and they looked like they would feel wonderful! And they do!  I also needed a gift for my sons bible quizzing leaders, and so I whipped two up, well actually I  finished one, fortunately his other leader is my Mom so she forgave me. The other leader is my sister, says she loves and uses hers.

 I just want to start by saying that I looked all over for my fabric marking pencil and couldn't find it. Finally I looked in my craft box marked sewing and lo and behold there it was! Miracles never cease! This kind of thing has happened to me twice this week. Hmmmm........maybe those gray hairs are meaning something.

So here are the instructions for my version.
You will need basic sewing supplies, plus two contrasting fabrics, I used two fat quarters, some rice and some essential oil.

Step 1: Cut Your Fabric -

Cut 1 color/style fabric 19" x 6.5" (You need two of these)
Cut the other color/style fabric 19" by 4.5"

I used 5 different fat quarters that I got from my "Quarters of the Month Club" at my local fabric store. I then mixed up the fabric. Worked out perfect for me. If you are making a few of these then now is the time to mix up the patterns and make sure they coordinate pretty like. This was the hard part for me! But I am happy with how they turned out!

Step 2: Iron Your Fabric-

You should have ironed it before you started your project but iron it again. A step I would love to skip but slowly I am learning to do things the right way!

Step 3: Sew sides together-

Sew along the long sides so that your 3 pieces are now 1 piece. I use a 1/4" seam.

Step 4: Iron Again-

Grrrrr.......Iron the top and bottom  to make a 1/2" seam.

Step 5: Sew the Sides Up-

Fold the fabric wrong sides together and sew up both short sides and across the bottom. I double sewed these for added strength. Flip right side out and iron.

Step 6: Create the Pockets for the Rice-

Here is where I needed my fabric pencil, I made a line 3 inches from each short side. Then I sewed up each line that I marked plus the edges of the contrasting fabric. Make sure your do a few backstitches at the beginning and end of each line.

Step 7: Give your rice some flavor, or at least make it smell good!

I used several cups of rice, I poured about three cups of rice in my measuring cup and added 2 drops of essential oil. Give a quick stir and now you have yummy smelling rice.

Step 8: Pour your rice into your pockets-

Use a funnel and fill each pocket about 1/2 full of rice.

Step 9: Sew the top closed-

I used clothespins to help me out in keeping the bag shut while I sewed it. It really isn't as easy as it sounds. You have to hold the heavy rice bag with one hand and keep the hem straight with the other. But don't let it scare you. I am a total newbie with the sewing machine and  I can do it.

Microwave for 2-3 minutes and enjoy, BE CAREFUL, IT IS HOT! Or tie a pretty scrap of fabric around it and give as a gift!  And make sure you tie on a tag with the instructions. On a personal note, Mom your rice pad bag is done!

And you could win one! Watch for my Rice Pad Bag Giveaway!

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  1. I CANNOT livve without these. I didn't make mine with the pockets, and oh so wished that I had!

  2. Yes I hear they are great. We made a little pad with rice in one of my suday school classes and since the childern were little we froze them for och bags.

  3. I've been wanting to make one of these! Your's is so cute!

  4. Love those types of heating pads. Very cute!

  5. I've made rice bags and just love them. Especially the way they conform to whatever body part you put them on!
    I never thought about adding essential oil. What a great idea! I bet your house smells yummy when you heat up one of these.

  6. Cute! Thanks for the comment on my html post. I'm sure you are right...if only we knew where!?

    I like your cute blog!
