
Saturday, February 13, 2010

2 Valentines for Grownups in Your Life!

I whipped these up tonight in no time flat. The first one is for my very good friend, Jeni. She is also my neighbor, my son's Sunday School teacher and the one of the best examples of a Godly Woman I have ever known. I just LOVE her! And there really is nothing artificial about her. She is the real deal!

 I printed the saying out on a piece of cardstock and then just eyeballed a heart shape around it. Cut it out. Traced it onto a second sheet of cardstock and then hotglued them together. I left a small opening so that I could slip in a little Valentines suprise.

 Then I just hotglued these packets of Equal artificial sweetener packets that I bought  errrrr.... swiped from a restaurant (JUST KIDDING!)  all around the heart. She can actually use these if she wants. I used just a dab of hotglue and made sure all the sweetener was shook down in the package away from where the glue was going so that there was no danger of damaging it or melting it or anything funky!

This second one was fun to make too! The only difference is that I sewed it shut which was a total pain, and then I added some ribbon that I had ruffled. I hotglued the ribbon on. For some reason my ruffling didn't turn out quite as good as I was hoping but hey I am new at it so I will just keep working with it! Here are some shots of that one for hubby man!

and the fine print.....

on the back side.....

He doesn't really have to break it open it has an opening too.

Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Nice ideas! Very original, I bet they will love them.

  2. How clever of you. :) Love it! And how you can personalize each one so easily! Homemade valentines are the BEST.

    Thanks for linking your idea up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  3. Cute,Cute! I love this! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite
