
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scrapbook Display Board

I purchased this piece of artwork the first summer I was married for $2. It hung in our house for several years until I just couldn't stand it anymore. There is nothing wrong with the picture but gigantic pictures of the ocean, just not my thing.

So I did this. (If you love this picture you might want to quit reading now)

I warned you!

Many coats of black spray paint later. Some wire and a few mini clothes pins and now I have this....

An interchangeable way to display some of my favorite scrapbook pages in my home! And I LOVE IT! So much.....I did this project several months ago actually and I STILL feel happy everytime I see it!

Here are the pages currently displayed on the board.

Sorry about the photo quality of some of those photos of my layouts I was too busy lazy too take them down and try to get better shots. But you get the idea!


  1. That turned out awesome. I see you have some pics of your "adopted" daughter on there. Love this!

  2. hey im stopping by from the crafty blog hop!

    Luv this great job!! :)
    XOXO Andrea

  3. This is great! How do you keep your layouts on there?

  4. Great idea! Simple scrapbooking...I posted a similar idea..check it out when you get at chance!

  5. That is such a great idea! I scrapbook, but then put it in a book and don't look at them for a long time. I love that you display yours. Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.


  6. Thanks for linking up to scrapbook sundays! You are being featured today!

  7. cute! I need a little space for my fam picture display/greeting cards i get from fam!

    have a great day!

    I have a giveaway over at my blog!

  8. That is a great idea. It's a good way to still enjoy some of the pages after the scrapbook is completed.
